Something Familiar Lyrics

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listen to the album on Newgrounds.

1. Mushroom Village

Take me home to Mushroom Village
And when I get there, what will I see?

Has it grown up?
Has it aged well?
Has it crumbled?
Has it gone down?
Has it grown up?
Has it aged well?
Has it crumbled?
Has it gone down?

My childhood place, Nostalgic Village

Are my folks there?
Is the school there?
Is the park there?
Is the store there?
Are my folks there?
Is the school there?
Is the park there?
Is the store there?

Don't let me down, Mushroom Village

2. Something Familiar


3. Death to the Sailor


4. Risotto & Wine

Let's go out to dinner and have some risotto.
Waiter, waiter, I think we're ready to order
Bring me some wine and them some water.

5. Gotta Keep Brewing


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