Just a quick blog post to say that if you've ever wanted a physical version of one of my albums, well now you can get one! I have released A Temporal Shift In Your Psyhcosis on CD and Cassette on Bandcamp. Only 20 copies of the CD are going on sale and only 17 of the Cassettes are going on sale so you should grab one while you can! I will update this blog post if and when they sell out.
But how did I do this exactly? What does it take to get a physical release of your music if you're just someone making music on your own in your bedroom? I'll write up the details of the process in this blog post so you can maybe learn something.
Let's be real here, despite being online for basically my entire life very few people know about me. If you do know me it's probably from Newgrounds as that's where I spend most of my time these days. I did have a YouTube following a few years ago but even that was limited to under 2,000 people (which is still a lot of people, in fairness!). Of course back then I didn't have this website and even when I released my first single nobody bought it.
So if you're someone who has a very small or even non-existent following online, to the point where getting CDs or whatever of your album is very likely just going to be a financial loss to you, why bother in the first place? I can't speak for others but for me personally I'm not the type who really cares that much about monetizing and trying to profit from every aspect of my online presence, I want to share the things I make with the world and maybe try to encourage and assist people into starting their own creative journeys. My main motivation for creating a physical version of one of my albums is literally because I think it is cool to have.
If you've browsed my site's wiki you may have come across the fact that last year I got about 10 CDs of Wing It! made and I gave these out to family and friends who wanted a copy. I never intended to sell them, I just wanted them because I had recently lost the project files for a lot of my music, including that particular album and I needed cheering up, so I decided to get some CDs made.
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Getting these made is probably amongst the Top 10 best things I've ever done in life if you ask me. Wing It! is a project that was very close to my heart and losing the files for it was and still is absolutely devastating to me regardless of the fact I still have backups of the .wav files for each of the songs. I love going back to old projects and seeing everything play out in the DAW as I intended it, I don't know exactly why, I guess I just get really sentimental about it.
I may not be selling them as CDs, but I did put the artwork files on the Bandcamp page for the album which you can download for free, so if you really want your own copy of Wing It! on CD you can print out the artwork, burn the music to a disk and put it all together in your own Jewel-Case. That being said, I do still have 2 copies of the album that I've not given to anyone yet and that I don't need, maybe I'll give them away here or something...
Anyway, I digress...
For the Wing It! CDs I used the website Kunaki, which just seems to be a print-on-demand service for people who want to get CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays and Vinyls. It was pretty cheap too! I paid in total £50.49 (or $64.84) for 10 CDs and most of that was spent on shipping costs because it's a US-based service and I live in the UK. The CDs are fairly decent quality too for the price. There's currently two issues with Kunaki at time of writing. The first issue is while they did ship internationallly at the time when I bought the albums, they currently only ship in the United States now. This may change in the future but if you're literally anywhere outside of the US you can't get products from Kunaki. However the bigger issue for me personally is not even that, but it's how limited you are with what you can do with your product. What I mean is, the default option is a CD in a Jewel-Case with a single inline page, that's it. If you want your CD in something like a digipack, cardboard sleeve or to have a booklet with multiple pages, there's NO option for that at the moment and I don't think there will be. If you're someone just getting their album made for kicks or you just want a simple design then you're fine, but if you want something different Kunaki is not going to provide that for you.
I didn't use their Vinyl service so I have no idea how good it is, but I'm sure someone else has talked about it if you were to look it up. If you are interested in using Kunaki I will direct you to a video by DG the Artist that goes into how to use the service and he even has a template for the back cover of a CD for you to use so it's less confusing.
The service that I used for A Temporal Shift In Your Psychosis was BandCDs and they're more of a professional service than a print-on-demand thing like Kunaki is. They've done work for a lot of mainstream artists so they very much have a reputation. They do a bit of everything from CDs to Cassettes to even MiniDisks and VHS tapes, but not Vinyls. The way it works is you can either message them directly what you're looking for OR you can choose what you roughly want your product to be and what they do is assign someone to work with you. You provide the artwork and audio files to them and they'll give you an invoice to confirm what you want. After you've confirmed it and paid them they will start producing your product.
For me personally I really enjoyed having the back-and-forth with my account manager, it was all done via e-mail which is honestly great as it meant I could quadruple check everything. One thing I did find a bit confusing was their provided templates for the artwork. They have .psd (Photoshop Document) files for each of their templates and it is suggested that if you open them up they'll have multiple layers with all of the outlines separated, but that wasn't the case for me, it was all on one layer so I had to manually seperate them. Maybe that's my fault as I either misread, miusunderstood or it was the fact that I was using Krita to make the artwork rather than Photoshop, but I would've imagined even if the software was different, the file data would still be relatively consistent?
Regardless, once it was paid and the product got to me it looked fantastic, particularly the Cassettes. I probably wouldn't go for a Jewel-Case for the CDs next time as they had SO MANY other available options that were cheaper and even more expensive. For example I really liked the look of their "Vinyl-CDs" which are literally just CDs that look like Vinyls, there's even the option to get them made with Vinyl-Styled sleeves which I thought was cool. I'd love to try something like that out. Their cheapest option was to have a CD in a plastic sleeve, which I almost went for, the only reason I didn't was because I think Plastic/Cardboard sleeved CDs don't look great on a shelf, but they actually gave me one of my CDs in a Plastic Sleeve anyway and the rest in Jewel-Cases like I wanted and honestly part of me preferred the Plastic Sleeve version. Just slot in a little booklet and that's already pretty good if you ask me. Not that the Jewel-Cases are bad, mind you, they're anything but that.
One thing to mention about BandCDs though is that it was not exactly cheap. I paid £85.89 for 21 Cassettes and £134.12 for 28 CDs, they did throw in an additional Cassette and CD (the one in the plastic sleeve) for free despite not telling me, but still that's a lot more money than Kunaki. If I had been able to order 28 CDs from Kunaki that would've cost me less than half of that (without shipping for both). However as I said before, BandCDs' quality is professional-grade, you get a LOT more options for how you want your product to look and the communication with your account manager is very good. With Kunaki you don't talk to anyone in the process, it's all automatic. Another issue regarding cost with BandCDs is shipping costs. They do ship internationally but it's VERY expensive unless you're in the UK. According to this page on their website, shipping in the UK only costs about £10, shipping to Europe costs more and how much varies depending on country, and if you're anywhere else in the World like the US or Australia, it will cost anywhere from £70 to £80 just to ship to you. So unless you're in the UK this is not the most cost-effective service. With that being said, I really like what they made for me and I love the different options they have for getting CDs and Cassettes made so I will definitely be using them again.
There are other services that will produce physical versions of your album, all you have to do is search online for "CD Duplication" or "Cassette Duplication" or whatever product you're trying to make and you'll get something that will likely work for you. I know someone who used the service Duplication.com for their Cassette release, this is a Canadian-based business and they seem to do CDs, Cassettes and even Vinyls, amongst other things (they even sell blank tapes!). If you're on the American Continent this is probably a better option for you than BandCDs. I haven't used it myself but I own a Cassette made through this service and it's a quality tape, for what it's worth. I wouldn't use this service myself because it would cost CA$70 just to ship a small number of tapes to the UK, it just makes sense to use a UK-based service for me.
If you're someone who wants to release their album physically, you will need a bit of cash to get it done but it's absolutely worth it. I love just holding my CDs, looking at the design of everything and realising that this is an album that I made. There's so much sentimental value for me there. Even if you don't plan on selling them to people, I would highly recommend getting yourself some CDs of your albums. You can even try to DIY it if you know how (I did consider doing that but I'm a busy man). It's just so cool to have your album up on a shelf somewhere. It also makes it harder to lose your work as you'll always have a copy of it on whatever medium you chose to put it on.
And if you want a copy of A Temporal Shift Of Your Psychosis on CD or Cassette, you can get one right now on my Bandcamp page!
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